¡Hola! Thank you for landing here! Let me introduce myself. I am a seed of consciousness, a cosmic dancer walking the path of sacred transformation. I believe that we were given a body to embody our spirit and it´s through our dance that we can carve a path to tap into our inner alchemist, the collective consciousness, and contribute to planetary evolution.

We are multidimensional beings experiencing a continuous healing ceremony. Our souls chose to reincarnate at this pivotal time to reveal the alchemist inside all of us. I aim to build bridges connecting ancestral wisdom with contemporary cosmovisions, opening paths that can heal our fragmented relationship with our psyche, with the world beyond human vision, and with mother earth herself. 

I'm honored to weave the colorful history of the Aztec land where I was born into a rich tapestry that paints the multicultural cosmovisions of the world that had shaped me. I have come to dream in Spanish, speak in Ritual, and process in English.

My background in Pedagogy and Psyche-spiritual technologies allows me to weave educational frameworks with healing and transformational modalities to support others in their path of healing, self-discovery, understanding their soul´s true essence, and provide emotional support and educational guidance to people who desire to explore the landscapes of consciousness and their soul’s blueprint. 

I am a Certified Psychedelic Educator and Integration guide, a Dancing Freedom Facilitator, and a Reiki Energy Work Healer committed to supporting the global awakening taking place by elevating the frequency of the collective consciousness. 

By showing up unapologetically and revealing my raw soul, I seek to become a good emerging ancestor. I want to be an agent of positive change and leave this Earth a better place for future generations.


Embodied Dance Ritual

Taking the psychedelic experience into the next embodiment.


“This was a pure moment of spontaneous creativity. Just letting go of our worries and truly being in the present. Nothing was rehearsed. Sabina just felt the energy of this amazing place and started moving. I had to capture it, so everything you see in this video was shot on an iPhone SE! Our creativity put together made this amazing video. Sometimes... we should just let go and dance.”

“Sabina and Scot performing a ceremony of dance and music.”